You can rewind your lesson any time you want for a tune-up class. 你可以倒带你的教训,任何时候你想要奏出行动阶级。
Optional Rewind Device: Pick-down lift driven by motor, which can save time and reduce, wasted material. 辅助拉料装置:材料卷出时可以经由马达辅助拉料,节省拉料时间,降低材料损耗。
I wish that I could press rewind and go back in time just to see your face again. 我希望可以将人生倒带,回到过去,再次看到你。
To enhance information feedback speed and the efficiency of planning execution for rewind cell of fiber manufacturing, a strategy considering information feedback speed and rewind process time in high priority was proposed. 为提高光纤制造中复绕单元的信息反馈速度和计划执行的效率,提出了以断纤信息反馈速度与加工时间为优先考虑的调度策略。